SAA Username |
SAA Full Name |
ORG Value |
Application List |
Hooper, Annie |
D01008 -CHASS Deans Office Dept D01009 - CHASS Deans Unallocated Res D01010 - CHASS Student Affairs D01012 - Cntr for Biblio Studies Dept D01013 - Cntr for Ideas and Society Dept D01014 - Cntr for Social & Beh Sci Res Dept D01018 - English Dept D01019 - History Dept D01020 - Comparative Lit & Languages Dept D01021 - Philosophy Dept D01022 - Religious Studies Dept D01023 - Hispanic Studies Dept D01024 - Latin American Studies D01025 - Anthropology Dept D01026 - Economics Dept D01027 - Ethnic Studies Dept D01029 - Political Science Dept D01030 - Psychology Dept D01031 - Sociology Dept D01032 - Gender & Sexuality Studies Dept D01033 - Art Dept D01034 - History of Art Dept D01035 - Creative Writing Dept D01036 - Dance Dept D01037 - Music Dept D01038 - Theatre Film & Digital Prod Dept D01251 - Archaeological Research Unit Dept D01255 - Institute-Resch: World Systems D01256 - Liberal Stds & Interdisc Prgs D01259 - Gluck Administration Dept D01268 - CHASS Facilities MGMT Dept D01269 - Performing Arts Admin Dept D01270 - Art:Art History Admin Dept D01283 - MFA Writing Desert Campus Dept D01295 - UCR ARTS Dept D01303 - Media & Cultural Studies Dept D01327 - Multidisciplinary Admin Unit Dept D01328 - English Hist Phil Admin Unit Dept D01329 - Anthro Soci Admin Unit Dept D01331 - Comp Lit & Lang Hisp Admin Dept D01332 - Econ Poli Sci Admin Unit Dept D02087 - Society Envmnt Health Equity Dept D02094 - Black Study Dept D02095 - Young Oak Kim Ctr Dept ORG12 - Coll of Hum, Arts & Social Sci |
Rambaud, Alexis |
D01098 -Audit & Advisory Services Dept D01103 - Human Resources Dept D01104 - Employee and Labor Relations Dept D01123 - Police D01125 - Chancellors Office Other D01186 - Govt & Community Relations D01198 - Staff Assembly Dept D01289 - Office of Legal Affairs D01326 - Office of Title IX & EEO:AA D01347 - VC Health & Wellness Dept D02038 - Talent Acq & Diversity Outreach Dept D02039 - Compensation Dept D02040 - Employee & Org Development Dept D02041 - Workplace Health and Wellness Dept D02082 - Student Basic Needs DIV130 - Human Resources Division DIV170 - Administrative Resolution DIV171 - Academic Personnel Division DIV173 - Diversity Equity & Inclusion Division DIV180 - HWS Gen Ops DIV187 - Compliance and Fact Finding |
Karam, Alfred |
SSC5 -Intercampus Transactions |
Rodriguez, Alison |
D01015 -Pres Cntr for Crime & Justice Dept D01275 - ICSD Inland Cntr for Sust Dev Dept D01313 - SPP Deans Office Dept D01324 - One Health Center Dept D01340 - Center for Geospatial Sciences D01354 - Blum Initiative Dept D02042 - Center for Tech:Society:Policy Dept D02053 - Center for Social Innovation Dept D02091 - SPP Instruction & Prog Support D02092 - SPP Faculty Initiatives D41313 - ORG10 - School of Education ORG37 - School of Public Policy |
Rackstraw, Alissa |
D01002 -BCOE Deans Office Dept D01003 - Computer Science & Engineering Dept D01004 - Electrical & Computer Eng Dept D01005 - Chemical Environ Engineering Dept D01006 - Mechanical Engineering Dept D01007 - CECERT Dept D01217 - Ctr on Robotics Intellignt Sys Dept D01258 - Conductive Quant Elec Ctr D01285 - Bioengineering Dept D01342 - Material Sci Engr Pgm Dept D01343 - WC Global Energy Center Dept D01345 - Computer Engineering Program Dept D02052 - UC KIMS Ctr Innov Mat:Enrg:Env Dept D02058 - POEM Center in BCoE Dept D02059 - UC Light Research Center Dept D02067 - BCOE Personnel Services D02068 - Cntr for Indstrl Biotechnology Dept D02074 - BCOE MS Online ENGR Program D02078 - Energy:Econ:Env Resrch Center E3 D02129 - COE College Resources D02130 - COE Scholarships: Gifts: Endowments D02131 - COE DEPT Student Affairs: Student Life ORG11 - Bourns College of Engineering SSC1 - POSSC |
Carrizosa, Amy |
D01084 -Graduate Student Association Dept D01162 - ASUCR Dept D02105 - Student Media |
Kafie, Ana |
ORG13 -School of Business |
Gonzales, Andrea |
ORG22 -Graduate Division |
Meza, Angelica |
D01084 -Graduate Student Association Dept |
Meinzer, April |
D01047 -Botany and Plant Sciences Dept D01239 - Genetics Program Dept D01257 - Institute of Genomics Dept D01263 - Center for Plant Cell Biology Dept D01266 - Plant Transformation Facility Dept D41047 - |
Simmons, Anthony |
D02007 -Clinical Affairs Dept |
Suguitan, Asirra |
D01100 -Accounting Dept D01101 - SBS:Cashiers D01108 - Procurement Services D01150 - Control Functions Misc Dept ORG23 - Control Functions SSC5 - Intercampus Transactions |
Nastase, Daniela |
D01040 -CNAS Deans Office Dept D01061 - Salinity Laboratory Dept D01237 - INACT Dry Lands Research Inst D01246 - Salton Sea Program Dept D01248 - CNAS Graduate Stdt Affairs Ctr Dept D01250 - Neuroscience Program Dept D01252 - Environmental Toxicology Prgm Dept D01288 - Science and Math Initiative Dept D01306 - CNAS UG Academic Advising Ctr Dept D01321 - CNAS Deans Unallocated Resources D01335 - CNAS Scholarships:Gifts:Endow D01336 - CNAS Department Resources D01337 - INACTIVE CNAS CP&M-Unalloc Res D01339 - CNAS Personnel Service Center D02071 - Biophysics Grad Program Dept D02136 - SAAIP Administration Unit D41223 - CE InterCampus Programs ORG14 - College of Nat & Agr Sciences ORG414 - CE - College of Nat & Ag Sci |
McFarlane, Brett |
D01306 -CNAS UG Academic Advising Ctr Dept |
Quarles, Brandy |
D01020 -Comparative Lit & Languages Dept D01023 - Hispanic Studies Dept D01331 - Comp Lit & Lang Hisp Admin Dept |
Rivera, Carmen |
D01083 -Summer Session D01128 - Honors Dept D01163 - AVC Enrollment Services Dept D01171 - Financial Aid Dept D01176 - Academic Resource Center D01180 - Undergraduate Admissions Dept D01193 - Registrar Dept D01224 - VP International Affairs Admin Dept D01233 - CAMP D01272 - Undergraduate Education Dept D01292 - Transfer Credit & Articulation Dept D01305 - University Writing Program Dept D01358 - Education Abroad Dept D02048 - International Stdnt and Schlrs D02070 - XCITE Dept D02084 - Finance Admin Solutions Team D02085 - International Recruitment Dept D02089 - Undergrad Student Financial Aid D02134 - Highlander One Stop Shop DIV152 - Enrollment Services DIV162 - International Affairs Division ORG32 - International Affairs ORG33 - Enrollment Services ORG36 - Undergraduate Education |
Dacanay, Chris |
D01113 -Bookstore D01115 - Center for Early Childhood Education D01119 - Fleet Services D01121 - Transportation & Parking Svcs D01208 - Auxiliary Facilities Services D01209 - Dining Services D01322 - Housing Services D02054 - Distribution Services D02055 - Support Services D02056 - Auxiliary Budget & Finance Dept D02057 - Aux Office of the AVC Dept ORG19 - Auxiliary Services SSC6 - AUX |
Palma, Charlene |
D01129 -ITS Associate Vice Chancellor Dept D01132 - Infrastructure and Systems Ops Dept D01133 - Reporting and Analytics Dept D01287 - INACTIVE Student Aff Tech Svc D02063 - IT Risk Management Dept ORG21 - Info Technology Solutions |
Pierce, Cherie |
D01048 -Entomology Dept D01236 - Ctr for Invasive Spec Rsch Dept D01246 - Salton Sea Program Dept D01288 - Science and Math Initiative Dept D01321 - CNAS Deans Unallocated Resources D01335 - CNAS Scholarships:Gifts:Endow D01336 - CNAS Department Resources D01337 - INACTIVE CNAS CP&M-Unalloc Res D01339 - CNAS Personnel Service Center D41040 - D41048 - D41223 - CE InterCampus Programs D41230 - INACTIVE CE - Consumer Econ D41310 - D41321 - D41335 - D41336 - D41339 - ORG14 - College of Nat & Agr Sciences ORG414 - CE - College of Nat & Ag Sci |
Cortez, Cherysa |
D01092 -Academic Senate Admin Dept D01093 - Academic Senate Research Dept ORG18 - Academic Senate |
Han, Christine |
D01129 -ITS Associate Vice Chancellor Dept D01132 - Infrastructure and Systems Ops Dept D01133 - Reporting and Analytics Dept D01287 - INACTIVE Student Aff Tech Svc D02063 - IT Risk Management Dept ORG21 - Info Technology Solutions |
Williams, Cindy |
ORG12 -Coll of Hum, Arts & Social Sci |
Redfield, Cynthia |
D01022 -Religious Studies Dept D01027 - Ethnic Studies Dept D01327 - Multidisciplinary Admin Unit Dept |
Gnuschke, Christina |
D01026 -Economics Dept D01029 - Political Science Dept D01332 - Econ Poli Sci Admin Unit Dept |
Munoz, Cathy |
D01056 -Mathematics Dept D01058 - Statistics Dept |
Petrini, Crystal |
D01018 -English Dept D01021 - Philosophy Dept D02012 - SMPPH Dept D02094 - Black Study Dept |
Albitre, Dominica |
D01057 -Physics and Astronomy Dept |
Terao, Deborah |
D01053 -Environmental Sciences Dept D01055 - Earth & Planetary Sciences Dept D01231 - Botanic Gardens Dept D01277 - BEES Administrative Unit Dept D41053 - D41055 - D41277 - |
Longazo, Debra |
D01119 -Fleet Services D01121 - Transportation & Parking Svcs |
Marroquin, Diana |
D01032 -Gender & Sexuality Studies Dept D01303 - Media & Cultural Studies Dept D01327 - Multidisciplinary Admin Unit Dept |
Stuckey, Don |
D02003 -Family Medicine Dept D02022 - Family Medicine GME Dept |
Smith, Dylan |
D01059 -Biomedical Sciences Dept D02000 - SOM Deans Office Dept D02001 - SOM Student Affairs Dept D02002 - Internal Medicine Dept D02003 - Family Medicine Dept D02004 - Graduate Medical Ed Dept D02005 - Undergrad Medical Ed Dept D02007 - Clinical Affairs Dept D02008 - SOM Gifts Endow Schol Dept D02009 - SOM Resources Dept D02010 - SOM Compliance Dept D02011 - SOM Research Dept D02012 - SMPPH Dept D02013 - SOM Finance and Admin Dept D02015 - OB GYN Dept D02016 - Psychiatry and Neurosci Dept D02017 - Surgery Dept D02018 - Pediatrics Dept D02020 - Internal Medicine GME Dept D02021 - OB GYN GME Dept D02022 - Family Medicine GME Dept D02023 - Psychiatry GME Dept D02024 - Pediatrics GME Dept D02027 - SOM PRIME Dept D02096 - SOM Development Dept D02097 - SOM Academic Affairs Dept D02098 - SOM Strategic Initiatives Dept DIV200 - SOM Deans Office Div DIV201 - UCR Health Div DIV202 - SOM Research Div DIV203 - SOM Finance and Admin Div DIV204 - SOM Clinical Sciences Div DIV205 - Graduate Medical Education Div DIV206 - SOM Medical Education Div ORG40 - School of Medicine |
Latham, Eric |
D01062 -International Programs D01063 - Academic Affairs Ops D01064 - Professional Programs D01067 - UNEX Education D01068 - Custom & Community Pgms D01069 - Miscellaneous Programs D01070 - Outreach & Engagement Dept D01071 - UNEX Operations D01072 - UNEX Deans Office Dept D01073 - UNEX Facilities D01074 - Strategic Marketing D01075 - UNEX Technology Solutions Dept D01076 - Academic QIA D01079 - UNEX Parking D01264 - Desert Facilities & Programs Dept D01280 - Palm Desert Center Admin Dept D01314 - Building Maintenance for PDGC ORG15 - University Extension ORG35 - Palm Desert Center SSC3 - Citrus |
Tatum, Elizabeth |
FFIGU005 |
Figueroa, Frank |
D01248 -CNAS Graduate Stdt Affairs Ctr Dept D01250 - Neuroscience Program Dept D01252 - Environmental Toxicology Prgm Dept D01288 - Science and Math Initiative Dept D01306 - CNAS UG Academic Advising Ctr Dept D02071 - Biophysics Grad Program Dept D02136 - SAAIP Administration Unit |
GCASL001 |
Caslavka, Grace |
D01003 -Computer Science & Engineering Dept D01345 - Computer Engineering Program Dept |
Robles, Gennie |
D02011 -SOM Research Dept |
Griffin, Brian |
ORG21 -Info Technology Solutions |
Vallejo, Guille |
D01057 -Physics and Astronomy Dept D01267 - ICAM Dept |
Owusu-Frimpong, Isaac |
D01059 -Biomedical Sciences Dept |
Villalobos Martinez, Isidra |
D02001 -SOM Student Affairs Dept D02005 - Undergrad Medical Ed Dept D02027 - SOM PRIME Dept |
Ducut, Janette |
D02036 -Training & Education Dept |
Le Blanc, Janna |
Goupil, Jennifer |
D01113 -Bookstore D01115 - Center for Early Childhood Education D01119 - Fleet Services D01121 - Transportation & Parking Svcs D01208 - Auxiliary Facilities Services D01209 - Dining Services D01322 - Housing Services D02054 - Distribution Services D02055 - Support Services D02056 - Auxiliary Budget & Finance Dept D02057 - Aux Office of the AVC Dept ORG19 - Auxiliary Services SSC6 - AUX |
Farias, Jennifer |
D01040 -CNAS Deans Office Dept D01056 - Mathematics Dept D01057 - Physics and Astronomy Dept D01061 - Salinity Laboratory Dept D01237 - INACT Dry Lands Research Inst D01246 - Salton Sea Program Dept D01248 - CNAS Graduate Stdt Affairs Ctr Dept D01267 - ICAM Dept D01288 - Science and Math Initiative Dept D01306 - CNAS UG Academic Advising Ctr Dept D01315 - INACTIMedical & Health Car Pgm D01321 - CNAS Deans Unallocated Resources D01335 - CNAS Scholarships:Gifts:Endow D01336 - CNAS Department Resources D01337 - INACTIVE CNAS CP&M-Unalloc Res D01339 - CNAS Personnel Service Center D41040 - D41223 - CE InterCampus Programs D41230 - INACTIVE CE - Consumer Econ D41310 - D41321 - D41335 - D41336 - D41339 - ORG14 - College of Nat & Agr Sciences ORG414 - CE - College of Nat & Ag Sci |
Cantonwine, Jill |
D01305 -University Writing Program Dept |
Melashenko, Jay |
D01030 -Psychology Dept |
Mosher, Jennifer |
D02002 -Internal Medicine Dept D02020 - Internal Medicine GME Dept |
Manor, Laura |
D01157 -Research & Economic Dvlpmt D01158 - Sponsored Programs Admin D01159 - Campus Veterinarian D01192 - INACTIVE-UC MEXUS-RED D01234 - Research Admin & Compliance D01238 - Misc Core Facilities D01278 - Technology Partnerships Dept D02072 - RED Multidisc Research Bldg D02133 - CALIT2 D02135 - CIRC D51192 - UC MEXUS-SW ORG24 - Research & Economic Development ORG41 - Alianza UCMX ORG520 - UC-Mexico Initiative ORG530 - UC MEXUS |
Valdez, John |
D01116 -Highlander Union D01160 - African Student Programs Dept D01161 - Asian Pacific Student Programs Dept D01164 - AVC:Dean of Students Dept D01167 - Chicano Student Programs Dept D01169 - INACTIVE Cultural Events D01175 - LGBT Resource Center Dept D01177 - Native American Student Pgm Dept D01179 - Student Life D01182 - Womens Resource Center Dept D01304 - Student Conduct Programs Dept D01338 - Middle Eastern Student Center Dept D02035 - Residential Life VCSA Dept D02083 - Undocumented Student Programs Dept D02101 - Veteran Resource Program D02102 - Foster Youth Support Srvcs Dept D02103 - ASPB D02104 - Orientation DIV145 - Student Services |
Salas, Jasmine |
Lin, Juliet |
D01054 -Chemistry Dept D01286 - CNAS Shops and Facilities |
Vaughan, Jennifer |
SSC2 -Harvest |
Meumann, Katie |
D01002 -BCOE Deans Office Dept D01003 - Computer Science & Engineering Dept D01004 - Electrical & Computer Eng Dept D01005 - Chemical Environ Engineering Dept D01006 - Mechanical Engineering Dept D01007 - CECERT Dept D01217 - Ctr on Robotics Intellignt Sys Dept D01258 - Conductive Quant Elec Ctr D01285 - Bioengineering Dept D01342 - Material Sci Engr Pgm Dept D01343 - WC Global Energy Center Dept D01345 - Computer Engineering Program Dept D02052 - UC KIMS Ctr Innov Mat:Enrg:Env Dept D02058 - POEM Center in BCoE Dept D02059 - UC Light Research Center Dept D02067 - BCOE Personnel Services D02068 - Cntr for Indstrl Biotechnology Dept D02074 - BCOE MS Online ENGR Program D02078 - Energy:Econ:Env Resrch Center E3 D02129 - COE College Resources D02130 - COE Scholarships: Gifts: Endowments D02131 - COE DEPT Student Affairs: Student Life ORG11 - Bourns College of Engineering |
Fruge, Kathrine |
D02016 -Psychiatry and Neurosci Dept D02023 - Psychiatry GME Dept |
Redd, Kathy |
D01248 -CNAS Graduate Stdt Affairs Ctr Dept |
McDade, Kim |
D01183 -VCUA Office D01184 - VCUA University Events D01187 - Alumni Engagement Dept D01188 - Development D01189 - VCUA University Relations D01216 - VCUA Administrative Services Dept D01282 - Advancement Services D01284 - INACTIVE Stud Aff Mrkg and Com D01333 - UCR Foundation Dept D01334 - Alumni Association Dept ORG26 - University Advancement |
Schulte, Kevin |
D01006 -Mechanical Engineering Dept D01342 - Material Sci Engr Pgm Dept D02074 - BCOE MS Online ENGR Program |
Pavlov, Leonard |
D01061 -Salinity Laboratory Dept D01237 - INACT Dry Lands Research Inst D01246 - Salton Sea Program Dept D01321 - CNAS Deans Unallocated Resources D01335 - CNAS Scholarships:Gifts:Endow D01336 - CNAS Department Resources D01337 - INACTIVE CNAS CP&M-Unalloc Res D01339 - CNAS Personnel Service Center D41040 - D41223 - CE InterCampus Programs D41310 - D41321 - D41335 - D41336 - D41339 - ORG14 - College of Nat & Agr Sciences ORG414 - CE - College of Nat & Ag Sci |
Fenex, Lindy |
D01117 -Recreation:Student Rec Center |
Alvarez, Luis |
D01099 -Intercollegiate Athletics D01166 - Career Services Center Dept D01170 - Student Affairs SAPEP D01174 - KUCR Dept D01181 - Student Affairs Admin Dept D01317 - Office of TRIO Programs Dept D01318 - Univ Eastside Community Collab D02101 - Veteran Resource Program D02102 - Foster Youth Support Srvcs Dept D02103 - ASPB D02104 - Orientation D02105 - Student Media ORG25 - Student Affairs |
Levario, Luisa |
D01099 -Intercollegiate Athletics D01152 - Campus Student Service Fee Dep D01170 - Student Affairs SAPEP D01174 - KUCR Dept D01181 - Student Affairs Admin Dept D01317 - Office of TRIO Programs Dept D01318 - Univ Eastside Community Collab D02105 - Student Media DIV155 - Student Affairs Admin DIV185 - VCSA Campus Life ORG25 - Student Affairs ORG38 - UCR Intercollegiate Athletics |
Portobanco, Luis |
D01295 -UCR ARTS Dept |
Hoepfner, Luke |
D41313 - |
Madrigal, Marilyn |
D01019 -History Dept |
Godinez, Maggie |
D01084 -Graduate Student Association Dept D01162 - ASUCR Dept |
Aldana, Maria |
D01059 -Biomedical Sciences Dept D02000 - SOM Deans Office Dept D02001 - SOM Student Affairs Dept D02002 - Internal Medicine Dept D02003 - Family Medicine Dept D02004 - Graduate Medical Ed Dept D02005 - Undergrad Medical Ed Dept D02006 - SOM Community Engagement D02007 - Clinical Affairs Dept D02008 - SOM Gifts Endow Schol Dept D02009 - SOM Resources Dept D02010 - SOM Compliance Dept D02011 - SOM Research Dept D02012 - SMPPH Dept D02013 - SOM Finance and Admin Dept D02014 - SOM Strategic Rsc Ctr D02015 - OB GYN Dept D02016 - Psychiatry and Neurosci Dept D02017 - Surgery Dept D02018 - Pediatrics Dept D02019 - SOM Medicine Dept D02020 - Internal Medicine GME Dept D02021 - OB GYN GME Dept D02022 - Family Medicine GME Dept D02023 - Psychiatry GME Dept D02024 - Pediatrics GME Dept D02027 - SOM PRIME Dept D02096 - SOM Development Dept D02097 - SOM Academic Affairs Dept D02098 - SOM Strategic Initiatives Dept DIV200 - SOM Deans Office Div DIV201 - UCR Health Div DIV202 - SOM Research Div DIV203 - SOM Finance and Admin Div DIV204 - SOM Clinical Sciences Div DIV205 - Graduate Medical Education Div DIV206 - SOM Medical Education Div DIV207 - SOM Legacy Accounts ORG40 - School of Medicine |
Castaneda, Martha |
Ceron, Sophia |
D02015 -OB GYN Dept D02021 - OB GYN GME Dept |
Gomez, Melissa |
D01056 -Mathematics Dept D01058 - Statistics Dept D41058 - |
Jia, Maggie |
D02018 -Pediatrics Dept D02024 - Pediatrics GME Dept |
Austin, Michael |
D01018 -English Dept D01021 - Philosophy Dept D01033 - Art Dept D01034 - History of Art Dept D01270 - Art:Art History Admin Dept D01328 - English Hist Phil Admin Unit Dept |
Morgando, Christine |
D01045 -Biochemistry Dept D01050 - Nematology Dept D01052 - Microbiology & Plant Pathology Dept D01235 - Ctr for Conservation Biology Dept D01244 - Microbiology Prgm Dept D01245 - BMPN Administration Dept D41045 - D41050 - D41052 - D41245 - |
Ryneal, Marcelina |
D01035 -Creative Writing Dept D01036 - Dance Dept D01037 - Music Dept D01038 - Theatre Film & Digital Prod Dept D01269 - Performing Arts Admin Dept |
Sedillo, Maria |
D01047 -Botany and Plant Sciences Dept D01239 - Genetics Program Dept D01257 - Institute of Genomics Dept D01263 - Center for Plant Cell Biology Dept D01266 - Plant Transformation Facility Dept D41047 - |
NFIOR002 |
Fiore, Nicolas |
D01183 -VCUA Office D01184 - VCUA University Events D01187 - Alumni Engagement Dept D01188 - Development D01189 - VCUA University Relations D01216 - VCUA Administrative Services Dept D01282 - Advancement Services D01333 - UCR Foundation Dept D01334 - Alumni Association Dept ORG26 - University Advancement |
Kramer, Nicole |
D01004 -Electrical & Computer Eng Dept D01217 - Ctr on Robotics Intellignt Sys Dept D01258 - Conductive Quant Elec Ctr D02058 - POEM Center in BCoE Dept D02059 - UC Light Research Center Dept D02078 - Energy:Econ:Env Resrch Center E3 |
Sparks, Nichole |
D01165 -Student Health Services D01168 - Counseling & Psychological Svc D01178 - Student Disability Resource Ct D01222 - The Well D01304 - Student Conduct Programs Dept D02047 - Health & Wellness Case Mgmt D02049 - Campus Advocacy Resorc & Educ D02093 - SWIFT |
PMCGE001 |
Mejia, Paige |
D01046 -Evolution Ecology & Orgns Bio Dept D01049 - Natural Reserves D01051 - Molecular Cell & Systems Bio Dept D01241 - Cell & Developmental Bio Prgm Dept D01254 - EMN Administration Dept D01307 - Stem Cell Center Dept D41046 - D41051 - |
Rodriguez, Rachel |
Sutton, Robert |
D01053 -Environmental Sciences Dept D01055 - Earth & Planetary Sciences Dept D01231 - Botanic Gardens Dept D01277 - BEES Administrative Unit Dept D41053 - D41055 - D41277 - |
RGODO002 |
Godoy, Robert |
D01005 -Chemical Environ Engineering Dept D01285 - Bioengineering Dept D02052 - UC KIMS Ctr Innov Mat:Enrg:Env Dept D02068 - Cntr for Indstrl Biotechnology Dept |
Pinkney, Rochelle |
D01117 -Recreation:Student Rec Center |
Vanta, Sarah |
D01045 -Biochemistry Dept D01050 - Nematology Dept D01052 - Microbiology & Plant Pathology Dept D01235 - Ctr for Conservation Biology Dept D01244 - Microbiology Prgm Dept D01245 - BMPN Administration Dept |
Tavizon, Sally |
D01015 -Pres Cntr for Crime & Justice Dept D01275 - ICSD Inland Cntr for Sust Dev Dept D01313 - SPP Deans Office Dept D01324 - One Health Center Dept D01340 - Center for Geospatial Sciences D01354 - Blum Initiative Dept D02042 - Center for Tech:Society:Policy Dept D02053 - Center for Social Innovation Dept D02091 - SPP Instruction & Prog Support D02092 - SPP Faculty Initiatives D41313 - ORG10 - School of Education ORG37 - School of Public Policy SSC9 - LEAP |
Navarro, Sandra |
D01062 -International Programs D01063 - Academic Affairs Ops D01064 - Professional Programs D01067 - UNEX Education D01068 - Custom & Community Pgms D01069 - Miscellaneous Programs D01070 - Outreach & Engagement Dept D01071 - UNEX Operations D01072 - UNEX Deans Office Dept D01073 - UNEX Facilities D01074 - Strategic Marketing D01075 - UNEX Technology Solutions Dept D01076 - Academic QIA D01079 - UNEX Parking D01264 - Desert Facilities & Programs Dept D01280 - Palm Desert Center Admin Dept D01314 - Building Maintenance for PDGC ORG15 - University Extension ORG35 - Palm Desert Center SSC3 - Citrus |
Connor, Sara |
D01007 -CECERT Dept D01343 - WC Global Energy Center Dept |
Payne, Sharon |
D01008 -CHASS Deans Office Dept D01009 - CHASS Deans Unallocated Res D01010 - CHASS Student Affairs D01012 - Cntr for Biblio Studies Dept D01013 - Cntr for Ideas and Society Dept D01014 - Cntr for Social & Beh Sci Res Dept D01018 - English Dept D01019 - History Dept D01020 - Comparative Lit & Languages Dept D01021 - Philosophy Dept D01022 - Religious Studies Dept D01023 - Hispanic Studies Dept D01024 - Latin American Studies D01025 - Anthropology Dept D01026 - Economics Dept D01027 - Ethnic Studies Dept D01029 - Political Science Dept D01030 - Psychology Dept D01031 - Sociology Dept D01032 - Gender & Sexuality Studies Dept D01033 - Art Dept D01034 - History of Art Dept D01035 - Creative Writing Dept D01036 - Dance Dept D01037 - Music Dept D01038 - Theatre Film & Digital Prod Dept D01251 - Archaeological Research Unit Dept D01255 - Institute-Resch: World Systems D01256 - Liberal Stds & Interdisc Prgs D01259 - Gluck Administration Dept D01268 - CHASS Facilities MGMT Dept D01269 - Performing Arts Admin Dept D01270 - Art:Art History Admin Dept D01283 - MFA Writing Desert Campus Dept D01295 - UCR ARTS Dept D01303 - Media & Cultural Studies Dept D01327 - Multidisciplinary Admin Unit Dept D01328 - English Hist Phil Admin Unit Dept D01329 - Anthro Soci Admin Unit Dept D01331 - Comp Lit & Lang Hisp Admin Dept D01332 - Econ Poli Sci Admin Unit Dept D02087 - Society Envmnt Health Equity Dept D02094 - Black Study Dept D02095 - Young Oak Kim Ctr Dept D51273 - INACTIVE Organized Rsrch Unit ORG12 - Coll of Hum, Arts & Social Sci |
Shanahan, Sharon |
D01276 -INACT CRC Business Unit D01309 - INACTIVE CHASS F1RST |
Gupta, Shelley |
D01129 -ITS Associate Vice Chancellor Dept D01132 - Infrastructure and Systems Ops Dept D01133 - Reporting and Analytics Dept D01287 - INACTIVE Student Aff Tech Svc D02063 - IT Risk Management Dept ORG21 - Info Technology Solutions |
Kreuter, Shellee |
D01059 -Biomedical Sciences Dept D02000 - SOM Deans Office Dept D02001 - SOM Student Affairs Dept D02002 - Internal Medicine Dept D02003 - Family Medicine Dept D02004 - Graduate Medical Ed Dept D02005 - Undergrad Medical Ed Dept D02006 - SOM Community Engagement D02007 - Clinical Affairs Dept D02008 - SOM Gifts Endow Schol Dept D02009 - SOM Resources Dept D02010 - SOM Compliance Dept D02011 - SOM Research Dept D02012 - SMPPH Dept D02013 - SOM Finance and Admin Dept D02014 - SOM Strategic Rsc Ctr D02015 - OB GYN Dept D02016 - Psychiatry and Neurosci Dept D02017 - Surgery Dept D02018 - Pediatrics Dept D02019 - SOM Medicine Dept D02020 - Internal Medicine GME Dept D02021 - OB GYN GME Dept D02022 - Family Medicine GME Dept D02023 - Psychiatry GME Dept D02024 - Pediatrics GME Dept D02027 - SOM PRIME Dept D02096 - SOM Development Dept D02097 - SOM Academic Affairs Dept D02098 - SOM Strategic Initiatives Dept DIV200 - SOM Deans Office Div DIV201 - UCR Health Div DIV202 - SOM Research Div DIV203 - SOM Finance and Admin Div DIV204 - SOM Clinical Sciences Div DIV205 - Graduate Medical Education Div DIV206 - SOM Medical Education Div DIV207 - SOM Legacy Accounts ORG40 - School of Medicine |
Underwood, Sherice |
D01046 -Evolution Ecology & Orgns Bio Dept D01049 - Natural Reserves D01051 - Molecular Cell & Systems Bio Dept D01241 - Cell & Developmental Bio Prgm Dept D01254 - EMN Administration Dept D01307 - Stem Cell Center Dept D41046 - D41051 - |
Lee, Sue |
D01044 -Agricultural Operations DIV111 - Agricultural Operations Division DIV4111 - |
Dawson, Sonja |
D01325 -ASSET Payroll & WFA Unit |
Ramos, Stacy |
D01083 -Summer Session D01128 - Honors Dept D01163 - AVC Enrollment Services Dept D01171 - Financial Aid Dept D01176 - Academic Resource Center D01180 - Undergraduate Admissions Dept D01193 - Registrar Dept D01224 - VP International Affairs Admin Dept D01233 - CAMP D01272 - Undergraduate Education Dept D01292 - Transfer Credit & Articulation Dept D01305 - University Writing Program Dept D01358 - Education Abroad Dept D02048 - International Stdnt and Schlrs D02070 - XCITE Dept D02084 - Finance Admin Solutions Team D02085 - International Recruitment Dept D02089 - Undergrad Student Financial Aid D02134 - Highlander One Stop Shop DIV152 - Enrollment Services DIV162 - International Affairs Division ORG32 - International Affairs ORG33 - Enrollment Services ORG36 - Undergraduate Education |
Flores, Stephanie |
D01091 -Financial Planning & Analysis Dept ORG23 - Control Functions |
Mcfadden, Susan |
D01097 -Faculty Housing Program D01200 - FS Administration Dept D01201 - Maintenance Services D01202 - Grounds D01203 - Environmental & Resource Svcs D01204 - Refuse D01205 - Central Plant Operations Dept D01206 - Energy & Utility Management D01207 - Plant Services D01211 - Project Management Dept D01220 - Capital Programs Dept D01312 - INACTIVE Capital Planning D01344 - Capital Projects-PHP D01348 - Campus Wide Sustainability Program Dept D01349 - Sustainability Office Dept D02050 - Housing Facilities Services D02060 - HUB Facilities Maintenance Dept D02061 - PDC Business Operations Dept D02062 - Office of Campus Architect D02069 - Real Estate Office Dept D02075 - Client Support Services D02076 - FS Business Operations Dept D02077 - Space Management Dept DIV153 - Facilities Services ORG28 - Capital Programs ORG30 - Facilities Planning Design & Const |
Vasquez, Sylvia |
Richardson, Paul |
D01268 -CHASS Facilities MGMT Dept |
Wong, Thomas |
D01157 -Research & Economic Dvlpmt D01158 - Sponsored Programs Admin D01159 - Campus Veterinarian D01192 - INACTIVE-UC MEXUS-RED D01234 - Research Admin & Compliance D01238 - Misc Core Facilities D01278 - Technology Partnerships Dept D02072 - RED Multidisc Research Bldg D02133 - CALIT2 D02135 - CIRC ORG24 - Research & Economic Development ORG41 - Alianza UCMX |
Moxham, Tiffany |
D01090 -University Library Dept ORG16 - University Library |
Carrington, Kathy |
D01054 -Chemistry Dept D01286 - CNAS Shops and Facilities |
Ruiz, Veronica |
D01098 -Audit & Advisory Services Dept D01103 - Human Resources Dept D01104 - Employee and Labor Relations Dept D01122 - Environmental Health & Safety Dept D01123 - Police D01125 - Chancellors Office Other D01165 - Student Health Services D01168 - Counseling & Psychological Svc D01178 - Student Disability Resource Ct D01186 - Govt & Community Relations D01198 - Staff Assembly Dept D01222 - The Well D01226 - Alpha Center Dept D01289 - Office of Legal Affairs D01300 - Executive Searches Unit D01326 - Office of Title IX & EEO:AA D01347 - VC Health & Wellness Dept D01356 - Office of Emergency Management D02037 - HR UCPath Dept D02038 - Talent Acq & Diversity Outreach Dept D02039 - Compensation Dept D02040 - Employee & Org Development Dept D02041 - Workplace Health and Wellness Dept D02043 - Admin Svcs & Strat Exec Team Dept D02047 - Health & Wellness Case Mgmt D02049 - Campus Advocacy Resorc & Educ D02073 - UCPATH Campus Support Services Dept D02082 - Student Basic Needs D02093 - SWIFT DIV130 - Human Resources Division DIV170 - Administrative Resolution DIV171 - Academic Personnel Division DIV173 - Diversity Equity & Inclusion Division DIV180 - HWS Gen Ops DIV187 - Compliance and Fact Finding ORG20 - Chancellor ORG31 - Provost/Exec Vice Chancellor ORG39 - Planning Budget & Administration ORG42 - Health Wellbeing and Safety |
Tapia, Wendi |
D01048 -Entomology Dept D01236 - Ctr for Invasive Spec Rsch Dept D01267 - ICAM Dept D41048 - |
Tapia, Yadira |
D01091 -Financial Planning & Analysis Dept D01094 - VC Planning Budget & Admin Dept D01096 - New Initial & Econ Development D01113 - Bookstore D01115 - Center for Early Childhood Education D01119 - Fleet Services D01121 - Transportation & Parking Svcs D01122 - Environmental Health & Safety Dept D01209 - Dining Services D01281 - BAS IT Services D01322 - Housing Services D01325 - ASSET Payroll & WFA Unit D01330 - Risk Management Dept D01356 - Office of Emergency Management D02034 - Workers Comp & Disability Mgmt Dept D02036 - Training & Education Dept D02043 - Admin Svcs & Strat Exec Team Dept D02054 - Distribution Services D02055 - Support Services D02056 - Auxiliary Budget & Finance Dept D02057 - Aux Office of the AVC Dept D02073 - UCPATH Campus Support Services Dept D51353 - UCPath Center Operations Dept D51357 - BASC Meridian Riverside Bldg Dept DIV186 - Institutional Research Division ORG19 - Auxiliary Services ORG30 - Facilities Planning Design & Const ORG39 - Planning Budget & Administration ORG541 - |
Phung, Yung |
D01040 -CNAS Deans Office Dept D01056 - Mathematics Dept D01057 - Physics and Astronomy Dept D01061 - Salinity Laboratory Dept D01237 - INACT Dry Lands Research Inst D01246 - Salton Sea Program Dept D01267 - ICAM Dept D01321 - CNAS Deans Unallocated Resources D01335 - CNAS Scholarships:Gifts:Endow D01336 - CNAS Department Resources D01337 - INACTIVE CNAS CP&M-Unalloc Res D01339 - CNAS Personnel Service Center D41040 - D41223 - CE InterCampus Programs D41230 - INACTIVE CE - Consumer Econ D41310 - D41321 - D41335 - D41336 - D41339 - ORG14 - College of Nat & Agr Sciences ORG414 - CE - College of Nat & Ag Sci |
Karam, Alfred |
183 -One Time Payment Tool 199 - Position Funding Change Request 198 - Salary Cost Transfer Tool 188 - UCPath General Ledger Integration |
Gonzales, Andrea |
37 -Grad SIS 124 - Graduate Enrolled Students System 166 - R'Grad |
Cueto, Apolinar |
205 -MediaWorks |
Suguitan, Asirra |
161 -Asset Management System 158 - Banner - Test 148 - Banner - Training 144 - Banner Student Information System 100 - Capital Programs Management Systems 120 - Cash Collection Reporting & Reconciliation System 91 - Charge Back System 191 - Concur Travel & Expense 151 - FHROG Contacts 165 - General Deduction Tool 128 - Journal Documentation System 136 - Journal Import System 208 - Looker - Finance 195 - Non-Payroll Cost Transfer 183 - One Time Payment Tool 194 - Oracle COA Management 193 - Oracle Financials 94 - PI Web Reporting System (PIWRS) 111 - Payment Audit Report 203 - Payroll Certifications 199 - Position Funding Change Request 198 - Salary Cost Transfer Tool 160 - ServiceLink 149 - Student Portal Banner Holds 115 - Time & Attendance Reporting System 202 - Training - Oracle Financials 18 - Travel 163 - UCPath 188 - UCPath General Ledger Integration 89 - VCUA Gift Acceptance System 116 - Vendor Request 87 - ePay - Online Payment System 88 - iReport |
Tristan, Andrew |
182 -Annual Security Inventory |
Haynes, Brian |
180 -R'Campus - UCR Student Weekly Newsletter |
Dailey, Bracken |
166 -R'Grad 190 - Statement of Legal Residence (SLR) 192 - iGrade |
Ayers, Brandon |
168 -R'Space / R'Web |
Mesha, Chantell |
100 -Capital Programs Management Systems |
Palma, Charlene |
96 -Legacy MediaWorks |
Greer, Charles |
99 -ARRA Reporting System |
Han, Christine |
96 -Legacy MediaWorks |
Juarez, Cindy |
192 -iGrade |
Veasey, Clifford |
158 -Banner - Test 148 - Banner - Training 155 - Banner Degree Works 144 - Banner Student Information System 88 - iReport |
Page, Deborah |
176 -Human Resource Management System 41 - Human Resources Data Warehouse |
Edgerton, David |
180 -R'Campus - UCR Student Weekly Newsletter |
Smith, Devlin |
180 -R'Campus - UCR Student Weekly Newsletter |
Kramer, Dewight |
185 -IAM Admin Portal |
Rodenhauser, Danielle |
146 -Cognos |
Perez, Elizabeth |
139 -Geographic Information System (GIS) |
Geach, Emma |
176 -Human Resource Management System 105 - iRecruit |
Staley, Erin |
180 -R'Campus - UCR Student Weekly Newsletter |
Ramos, Fernando |
152 -Counselor Award Letter Revisions |
Griffin, Brian |
193 -Oracle Financials 202 - Training - Oracle Financials |
Lee, Hak |
158 -Banner - Test 148 - Banner - Training 155 - Banner Degree Works 144 - Banner Student Information System 152 - Counselor Award Letter Revisions |
Hinton, Steve |
146 -Cognos 88 - iReport |
Fox, James |
158 -Banner - Test 148 - Banner - Training 155 - Banner Degree Works 144 - Banner Student Information System 56 - Student Data Query System 149 - Student Portal Banner Holds 86 - Student Portal Flashlights 71 - Student Portal Highlander Shoutouts 72 - Student Portal My Alerts 70 - Student Portal My Spotlights 81 - Student Portal Welcome Message 88 - iReport |
Williams, Jeff |
166 -R'Grad 190 - Statement of Legal Residence (SLR) 192 - iGrade |
Ocab, Jonathan |
182 -Annual Security Inventory |
Hoerger, Josh |
202 -Training - Oracle Financials |
Gonzales, Juan |
168 -R'Space / R'Web |
Napper, Katina |
163 -UCPath 177 - UCPath Reports |
Harnden, Keith |
146 -Cognos |
Grossmann, Kimberly |
176 -Human Resource Management System |
McDade, Kim |
164 -Scotmail Digest Tool |
Bejenaru, Linda |
100 -Capital Programs Management Systems |
Coco, Linda |
156 -Course Request System |
Wilson, Lisa |
89 -VCUA Gift Acceptance System |
Roney, Linda |
189 -Covid Verify |
Aldana, Maria |
145 -SOM Academic Affairs System |
Miller, Melinda |
156 -Course Request System |
Parker, Marilyn |
92 -LMS Code Generator |
Christopher, Nick |
182 -Annual Security Inventory |
Lara, Olivia |
Daly, Patricia |
180 -R'Campus - UCR Student Weekly Newsletter |
Hayashida, Peter A |
164 -Scotmail Digest Tool |
Franco, Phyllis |
179 -MyAccount |
Nance, Patrick |
89 -VCUA Gift Acceptance System |
Hutchins, Rebecca |
179 -MyAccount |
High, Rhonda |
148 -Banner - Training |
Umali, Sara |
109 -Academic Personnel Management System 47 - Academic Personnel eFile System 160 - ServiceLink 167 - eFilePlus Academic Personnel System |
Murdock, Sharyl |
Biggerstaff, Scott |
176 -Human Resource Management System 41 - Human Resources Data Warehouse 160 - ServiceLink |
Nunez, Seana |
135 -Temporary NetID System (TNS) |
Saifee, Shahid |
168 -R'Space / R'Web |
Gupta, Shelley |
112 -APM025/Conflict of Commitment 100 - Capital Programs Management Systems 84 - Faculty Portal My Alerts 85 - Faculty Portal My Announcements 66 - Faculty Portal My Channels 63 - Faculty Portal My Messages 76 - Faculty Portal My News 69 - Faculty Portal My Spotlights 74 - Faculty Portal My Videos 79 - Faculty Portal Welcome Message 96 - Legacy MediaWorks 108 - Staff Portal Analytics 82 - Staff Portal My Alerts 83 - Staff Portal My Announcements 65 - Staff Portal My Channels 62 - Staff Portal My Messages 77 - Staff Portal My News 68 - Staff Portal My Spotlights 73 - Staff Portal My Videos 80 - Staff Portal Welcome Message 107 - Student Portal Analytics 86 - Student Portal Flashlights 71 - Student Portal Highlander Shoutouts 72 - Student Portal My Alerts 67 - Student Portal My Channels 78 - Student Portal My News 70 - Student Portal My Spotlights 75 - Student Portal My Videos 81 - Student Portal Welcome Message 59 - eForms |
Siddiqui-Ali, Muhammad |
205 -MediaWorks |
Flores, Stephanie |
186 -Budget Forms 151 - FHROG Contacts 196 - Oracle Budget 194 - Oracle COA Management 121 - UCOP Funding Assessment Tool 59 - eForms |
Roy Chowdhury, Sumita |
168 -R'Space / R'Web |
Tuncel, Süreyya |
182 -Annual Security Inventory 185 - IAM Admin Portal |
Friedrich, Tami |
Eckman, Teri |
158 -Banner - Test 148 - Banner - Training 155 - Banner Degree Works 144 - Banner Student Information System 56 - Student Data Query System 88 - iReport |
Burrow, Wayne |
168 -R'Space / R'Web |
Phung, Yung |
37 -Grad SIS 124 - Graduate Enrolled Students System |